Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Loving the Lake

So we are up here at the Lake in CT. A little background…the house – well, cottage, actually – is on Lake Candlewood. My grandfather (mom’s dad) had the cottage built in 1950. The cove here has 3 houses – all owned originally by family members. When my grandmother passed away this past fall, the cottage went to my mom. Our little family joke right now is that we had to get it appraised because the cost basis is about $2000. (fun for you accountants and property lawyers).
It’s not big at all – 3 bedrooms (1 of which barely fits a pulled out trundle) with 1 bath, a galley kitchen and a living room. It’s rustic and it’s beautiful. It’s not luxurious, but it’s a lot of fun. And it boasts a great view (from picture window in living room – this is what we see when we sit at the table).

I have been coming up here since I was 6 months old (December bday – this is not a cottage for winter – definitely just a summer cottage). IMO, this is one the best places to be a kid – true when I was little and now that I have my own little ones to bring. This is our little beach (big beach for community is next door). Shallow water, lots of room to run around – fun, fun.

It goes without saying that Lucy is loving being able to run all over the place without a leash. And dang, she is fast! And…she is 6 months old today! Happy 1/2 Birthday, Lucy! (caught in the act of....something here)

Biggest drawback – no washer/dryer (there is a Laundromat close by in town). But that gives us girls an excuse to overpack right? Here is my Polyvore of what I brought. It’s my Garanimals theme – jeans/skirt + cami/tank + tissue bf tee + cardi/sweater + sandals. And some leggings/yoga pants for hanging out. And a couple of bathing suits…and hopefully it will be warm enough in the next few days for me to swim.

I have some more PVs to post, but this is getting long enough for one post.


Moda said...

This is such beautiful house. Ohhh I wish my family own something close like this. Such a beautiful view. Enjoy your time! Love your polyvore selection.

Anonymous said...

That looks wonderful. It's what summer should be like for kids!
Garanimals for adults, you crack me up! I hope the sun comes out soon!

Anonymous said...

You are very lucky! I am jealous. Hope you have a wonderful time and great weather.
(5'10" fit model:)

Patina said...

I love your little lake house. it sounds beautiful and the view is gorgeous!!!!! I can't wait to see more pictures. Have a great time

AnneG said...

I love fresh water lakes -- something about the simplicity of it all. Just the trees and the lake and nostalgia. Hope you have a super fun time. Be sure to check Lucy for ticks everyday. I hear it's a bad year for them.

Anonymous said...

That looks sooo relaxing and absolutely wonderful! Enjoy, enjoy! :)

sparrowsandsparkles said...

what a wonderful family vacation home! Enjoy! :)

Kathy said...

Such a great cottage! Your kids will have the same wonderful memories that you have...priceless!
I love a lake, even though we are close to the ocean!

Anonymous said...

A cottage on the lake. What a picture-perfect summer place. Enjoy!

Zoë Moët said...

Wow, I'm so jealous! It looks like you're having a fantastic time!! I hope it gets warm enough to swim, and if your weather is anything like ours right now, I'm sure it will be soon!

kater said...

love the cottage heidi! my family has a similar place near where I grew up and it is also rustic - no washer/dryer like yours and the shower is in the garage ha! - but we all love it more than anything. so I definitely get where you are coming from! Enjoy every minute while you are there!

HeidiG said...

Outfit of the day - thank you!

Stephanie - happy to amuse you! Sun came out for a hour twice today. So sad that I am counting that, but weather is supposed to be better by the weekend, when hubby is coming up.

Anon/Fit Model - thank you!

Patina Cabachon - little is the operative word. I am typing as my mom's cousin and her boyfriend and dog are visiting. The LR is full - 5 adults, 2 kids, 2 black dogs. :) But lots of fun.

AnneG - Very nostalgic, yet. And a good reminder on the ticks. I did apply her Frontline a few days early just to add some extra protection.

Lissa - very relaxing, thanks!

sparrowsandsparkles - thank you!

Kathy - it can be such a pain to pack, but it is so worth it for the memories!

Stylestance - thank you!

Zoe Moet - thank you - looks like the weather is getting a bit better each day.

kater - shower in the garage? love it!! we may have a full bath, but the shower is certainly not big and it has a cement floor.

GingerSnap said...

What a great place! I grew up going to a lake cottage in Michigan in a rual little town :) I have some of the best memories from there. Maybe one day Hubby and I will have our own! :) Enjoy!

Melissa@AllThingsSimplified said...

The Lake House looks so peaceful and relaxing...such fantastic memories, too! Enjoy your stay you lucky woman! :)

prince snow farm said...

I want this house! I've always dreamed of a house on the ocean, or on a lake where my kids can play and swim...you are blessed. Enjoy!

HeidiG said...

GingerSnap - We should talk MI! My hubby is from there (born in Flint) and his uncle & grandparents had lake houses in MI he used to visit.

FFM - It is very relaxing, and gets more relaxing by the day as we get more of the opening-up-the-cottage stuff done. I'm sitting here, the first one up (well, after Lucy) and it's so quiet right now. The Lake is like glass.

monogramgirl- thank you, I do realize how lucky we are to have such a fun place to visit.

Ema said...

Your cottage is picture-perfect, it looks so "american" to me (in Italy we don't have this kind of cottages). And what a great place for the kids to spend summer after summer...

HeidiG said...

Em - thank you. Yep, it's all Americana, without question. :)

Unknown said...

How fun! What a treat. And so many memories. :-)

Slastena said...

Heidi- I alway wanted to travel to CT, never been. Thank you for posting the pics. Lake looks so serene.

Summerilla said...

It looks beautiful there! I am so jealous - I want to go vacation somewhere like that this summer, it looks so relaxing. The BF and I usually rent a cabin in Canaan Valley but I doubt we'll have time this summer with all the trips to NYC.

Hope you and the family have a great time!

HeidiG said...

Gigi - definitely a treat to be here, without a doubt!

Slastena - CT is gorgeous. Such a fun place to visit. Def put it on your list!

Summerilla - I love Canaan! We used to ski there a good bit when I was in HS & college. I always wondered what it would be like in the summer.

post-fab princess said...

I'll bet Lucy is in heaven!!

HeidiG said...

xxx - oh yeah, she is having the time of her life!!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

How lovely. We just got back from my fam's mountain home in GA. It's so peaceful to be out in nature away from real life!

HeidiG said...

Kristin - I bet it was warm there. Sigh... But the peace of the natural surroundings is wonderful, isn't it?