First up, the
Slub Cotton Embroidered Flowers Tee (#18527, $42.50). First of all, with the design, I love that there is enough "space" at the top of the tee to wear necklaces with this tee. You could also easily wear a great scarf. I love that the design is not perfectly symmetrical - I think that makes it more interesting. A lot of other JCAs have reviewed this tee. I would like to thank
RatsOnParade, because I think I first saw it on her blog, and as soon as I did, I thought "Mine!"

I got the tee in champagne, which is what is available on the website.
AppGal got it in both champagne and buff pink at her B&M. I only remember seeing it in the champagne color at Tysons - although, like I said, when we had our shopping event, I had not been at the Crew since July, so I was a bit overwhelmed in trying to take in EVERYTHING. I will say again that this tee does not look like that great just laying on the table. It just looks kinda ok. But pick it up and try it on, because it looks so much better on, I promise.

I have included my front and back pics so you can see that you really do need to wear a cami underneath this as it is quite sheer, unless you are pairing with a jacket/cardi that you swear you will not take off. With a jacket/cardi, I think the flowers give you enough coverage in front.
Fit-wise, I took an M, so I would size down-ish in this. Usually in sheer tees, I size up a bit so I don't get the bulgies, but this one was just fine without doing that. I wore with the linen short sleeve cardi in natural yesterday and it was a perfect match. I will be wearing this with my black cashmere Jackie, my black BR swing jacket, my charcoal BR Michelle-look-alike on top, and jeans, Minnie pants, black cafe capris, stone linen pants, black skirt on bottom. Lots of options.

Next up...the
Stretch Twill Minnie pants (#18850, $79.50). Given the feedback in blogland (some major fans and some non-fans alike), I was a bit apprehensive about the bulgie, sausage-effect in these pants but I loved them. I think the key (much like the pixie pants, and this is so counterintuitive to how I usually try on sizes, but I swear it's the key) is to get them so they are truly fitted. If you get them too small, you get the extra fabric in the crotch and it is just awful. Fortunately, I had Dina in the fitting room, so I didn't even bring in a size 10/L (except for the sherpa hoodie, but that's another post). I took an 8 and the fit is fab. The fabric has a nice weight to it to help with smoothing.
I got the pants in coal, since I have been wanting gray pants. Can't wait to wear with my tangelo cambridge cable turtleneck, putty library cardi, star cable popover, cream cashmere cabin popover, plus all the other assorted random cardis/jackets. I believe I will be living in them this fall and winter. When it is not as cold, I will wear them with flats and when it gets colder, I will actually put on socks and tuck them into boots.
The pants are also available in black and british khaki (both of which I have in cafe capris, so that helped the decision to go with the coal). But I will probably be looking to add another pair later this fall.
Summerilla and I were discussing whether or not you could wear them for work and decided that it was definitely possible, depending on your environment, with a jacket and sweater/shirt. So they are potentially office-worthy. (Isn't she adorable in them?)

Last item - the
Classic Linen Cardigan (#15131, orig $69.50, curr $39.99).
Dina has this piece and loves it. I had seen before and never got around to trying it on, so glad I did now. I got it in a medium. I love that it has short sleeves, so it's a great layering piece for summer. I can picture wearing this with many summer ensembles for little warmth, since I almost always freeze inside if there is A/C. Can't wait to wear with just a white tee & matchstick jeans when it gets a bit cooler with some fab shoes & jewelry. Great piece at a great price (plus that 20% off, of course).

And here's my actual outfit for the day. Flowers tee, linen cardi, and minnie pants. Had no idea the cardi & tee were the exact same color until I happened to hang them on the fitting room rack right next to each other. Love the pieces separately, but I really loved them all together. I actually felt kinda hip in this ensemble - a bit more downtown that I usually skew. I think it's the pants. Anyway, just added my usual Kenneth Cole black flat sandals, stud earrings, and the cha-cha bracelet I made several years ago. And the Cocteau tote, which I really need to snap for Polyvore one of these days.
If you have seen
Summerilla's latest blog post, you know what I did yesterday (other than physical therapy/chiropractor in the evening). Kiddies & I met Summerilla, Dina, and Dina's adorable kiddies at Tysons to Starbucks and play. Yes, I am using Starbucks as a verb. Don't you? So it was our last chance to hang out before Summerilla departs for NYC, given everyone's crazy schedules this week. And then we headed to Pure Beauty to play with (and buy, of course) nail polish. Dina had to go and 3-Penny Princess joined us for lunch at Nordstrom Cafe where M went through 2 bowls of tomato soup and E loved coloring with Summerilla. What a fun day we had! M & E were really good. They loved Dina's kids (who doesn't?) and they are totally bummed that Summer is moving away. Summerilla - we will miss you!!
What an ADORABLE outfit, Heidi!! You look so awesome in the pants, and the tee and the cardi,all together! Love the cardigan, as well. I picked that up during the last sale, in the birch color. I may have to rethink the tee. And the pants------never even thought about them, until now! Are they more of a fall item? I mean, how would you wear them in the winter? Are they a little longer than cafe capri's?
You look GREAT in this outfit! I was just eyeing the Linen Cardigan on the J. Crew online site! Now I feel tempted even more seeing it on you!
I have the ATL flower tee which I absolutely am crazy about--and actually think J.Crew may have stolen that look from ATL for this tee you have on!!!
GREAT outfit!
I have been looking at that tee, I really like it.
I also have the Minnie pants and I LOVE. I am going to wear them so much, I find the fit really great.
Those Minnies look amazing on you!It is taking every ounce of willpower I have not to immediately go online and order a pair (I must mind the constraints of my college student budget and wait til they go on sale!) Also, sorry you have to say goodbye to Miss Sumerilla...it's always a bummer when a friend moves away :( Still, remember that NYC is just a train ride away and it could never be a bad thing to have a friend in the city, right?
Ooh, this outfit is adorable! You look great in it...so polished and put-together. I love the Minnie pants on you. I'm not even going near them because I know they would be a disaster, but I love living vicariously through others :) So glad you got the tee, too! I can't wait to wear mine :)
Love this set! I agree, that shirt looks much better on (you) than on the table. I never tried it on but am running back to try it on soon! I think it jazzes stuff up. No more plain t-shirts and jeans!
Me loveth this t-shirt on you. Very nice.
Love that shirt on you! The whole outfit is absolutely fabulous - what a great matchup of all the pieces! :)
i am green with envy at how gorgeous you look in the minnie pants. I still love ya (smile). You whole outfit is beautiful. *standing ovation* I love this tee so much, but haven't tried it on for fear of what all my boobage would do to those lovely flowers lol.
very pretty outfit! i got my flower tee today too and i love it!!! i really wanna try these pants now!! maybe i'll stop by the store tomorrow!!! sorry for all the exclamation points!!!! im just so happy i got my tee!
What a perfect outfit Heidi. That tee is really growing on me. Love it with the pants and cardigan and you're right, it will work with so many pieces in your closet. :)
I like the Minnie pants on you. I read some so so comments form other bloggers, but they look good on you. I might just have to go and get a pair.
I love the entire outfit! I must go try on those pants!!
I think the entire outfit looks great on you Heidi! Love the tee! I have the champagne and didn't even know it came in another color...thanks to you and AppGal for the heads up! :)
Oy, so late in responding...
mrs.anketell - thank you! I think the minnies are definitely a fall item. I admit that I cuff my jeans when most other rational souls are wearing boots. But with this pair, I plan to wear ballet flats, maybe heels, or loafers until it gets chilly. Then I will throw on socks and tuck them into black or brown boots because they will tuck in *perfectly*. In winter, I will wear them with just about any sweater I have and be so so so comfy. I tried them with several the other day just to see and they all worked. (not many pants you can say that about.) Just make sure you size down enough - if you get them too big, the crotch is all wonky and it does not look good. I think they are a little longer than the cafe capris.
luvallthingsjcrew - thank you! the linen cardi would be fab on your, with your height! it is funny how many flower tees are floating around right now...
DaniBP - thank you! Aren't the Minnies fab?!
Zoe Moet - excellent perspective on Summerilla moving - now we have even more motivation to go to NYC.
AppGal - I'll be totally honest with you - as amazingly fab as you looked in those toothpick cords, I would think the Minnies would be awesome on you as well. I was pleasantly surprised at how well they worked IRL, so maybe give them a shot sometime?
Lula Mae - haha, just posted on wearing a plain tshirt and jeans (ok, navy bf tissue tee with white jeans and sparkly accessories, but still...jeans & tee).
gigi - thank you!
RatsOnParade - loved the tee on you too, esp with your Juliets - they were gorgeous!
Patina - well, that's definitely one problem I don't have - worrying about the boobage effect. :) I don't always fill out the tops but... (all works out even in the end, right?) thank you, honey!
ashley - i am so happy for you too!!!!! ;)
A Bigger Closet - thank you! I'm already plotting additional wears out of each piece...
Rosa & Petunia - thank you! Just remember to size down-ish. I love them - hope they work for you too!
FFM - thank you! I must check out all your sets now!!
The minnies look amazing on you. I seriously think this is the best looking outfit on you I've seen- it looks GREAT!
M.A. - thank you! it's certainly the hippest I have ever felt in an outfit.
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