You know how you know you really really REALLY need to do something but you just can't quite wrap your head around getting it done? That's how I feel I about my closet right now. It' s my major project to get done over the course of the Lenten shopping ban. But I just can't quite get there. (Kudos to Joyce for the fantastic job on her closet - see aptly titled post on The Deed Is Done. Can I borrow the "tell it like it is" 14-year-old?)
And it's way too pretty outside today to start. Temps in the 70's. No way am I tackling that job today.
Ok, I swear I really am going to get to the closet. I have another appointment at the consignment shop to drop off this Friday, so I definitely have to do part of it by then. Maybe a weekday project while the kids are at school? Arrange my work schedule so I have a lighter day? Yep, that's the plan. Wish me luck!!
I love organizing closets. I put some money into containers last year and it made a world of difference.
I like my current system - but like any system, it definitely breaks down when not tended regularly. I may need to add some containers - esp for shoes - the old crummy shoe box thing is not working so well. I'll have to see what I have when it's all cleaned out. :)
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